German syllabus
Level A1 : Beginning German
General vocabulary, counting, sentence formation, verbs,
verbs conjugation ,direct and interrogative sentences ,modal verbs, nominative and akkusative
Everyday Language : Greeting, Personal Details, Simple Vocabulary, Daily Use
Phrase, Basic Grammer.
Course Duration : 3 Months Class Duration : 2 Hours
Level A2 : Low-Intermediate German
In this course u will learn how to express your
wishes analyze topics related to media such as television newspaper and magazines. In grammer
you will learn interrogative pronouns and adverbs, past tense, perfect tense.
Language : Family, Shopping, Routines, Places, Accommodation, Everyday Objects, Countries &
Cities, Foundation Grammar, Common Vocabulary, Idiom & phrases.
Course Duration : 3 Months Class Duration : 2 Hours
Level B1 : Intermediate German
Here you will expand your german vocabulary and learn
more topics such as work, education, leisure and family. These will be related to food clubbing
and festivals and holidays. In grammer you will use final clauses ,modal verbs, reflexive verbs
, prepositions, future tense.
Practical Language : Work, School, Travel, Daily Life, Events,
Media, Current Affairs, Art, People, Writing, Sentence Formation Grammar, Intermediate
Course Duration : 3 Months Class Duration : 2 Hours
Level B2 : Upper-Intermediate German
In this level you will increase your vocabulary
level enormously. On a high level you deal with people related to their environment , interests,
and activities. In Grammer there would be complex texts, oral and written comprehensive skills,
topics like job market, mobility, health and life. Indirect speech active and passive voice.
Conversational Language : In Depth Discussion, Opinions, Politics, Religion, Education,
Environment, Culture, Health, Fashion, History, Law & Order, Etc.
Course Duration : 3 Months Class Duration : 2 Hours
Level C1 : Advance German
Effective structured, and advanced talk about complex issues
like social and professional life and you understand more difficult texts .You will practice
modal verbs and adjective endings on high level, letter writing.
Proficient Language :
Complexity, Sub-Text, Near Fluency.
Course Duration : 3 Months Class Duration : 2 Hours
Level C2 : Near Native German
Effective structured, and advanced talk about complex
issues like social and professional life and you understand more difficult texts .You will
practice modal verbs and adjective endings on high level, letter writing.
At This Point,
There are no lessons - You just need to talk and read and listen to native speaker to perfect
your German.
Course Duration : 3 Months Class Duration : 2 Hours
For Details :
Call: +91 9971555635
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